Bulk Import using V2 format helps District administrators to import a large number of schools, classes, staff, students, contacts, and their membership connections. Currently, this option is available at the District level only.
- Bloomz CSV V2 format using 6 files
- V2 Format Bulk Import flow: Manual upload
- 3. Bloomz V2 format Bulk Import Using SFTP:
- Additional Scenarios for Data Import
Bloomz CSV V2 format using 6 files
Schools File
The schools.csv file provides the information necessary to generate the school structure as it relates to a district in Bloomz.
-- id or sis_id: Unique to each school and referenced by all other files. 0 or a NULL value is commonly used for the district building ID.
-- name: School Name
Ex: sis_id, name
Classes/Groups File
The classes.csv file provides the classroom and group information necessary to generate a classroom/group roster in Bloomz.
-- school_id: Id of the school where the class/group is located. Must match an ID in the school.csv file.
-- id or sis_id: Unique for each class/group. Will be referenced in the memberships.csv file.
-- name: Name of the class/group.
-- type: [optional] Group Type (class, room, group, sports team, club, etc.) The Default is 'class'.
-- access: [optional] Access (public, private, filter). Defaults to 'private'.
-- grade: [optional] infant, preschool, transitional-k, k, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
-- section: [optional]
-- term: [optional]
-- period: [optional]
-- teacher_id: [optional] Primary. Must match an ID in the staff.csv file.
-- teacher_type: [optional] (primary, secondary, alternate). Defaults to 'primary'.
-- is_homeroom: [optional]
-- subject: [optional]
-- student_count: [optional] Used for data validation and troubleshooting.
-- status: [optional]
Ex: school_id, id, name, type, access, grade, section, term, period, teacher_id, teacher_type, is_homeroom, subject, student_count, status
Staff File
The staff.csv file provides the information necessary to generate staff accounts and relates them to the school(s) they belong to. List all staff members in this file, including faculty, teachers, office staff, admins, etc.
-- school_id: Id of the school where the staff member is assigned. Must match an ID in the school.csv file.
-- id or sis_id: Unique to each staff member. Will be referenced in the memberships.csv file.
-- first_name:
-- last_name:
-- preferred_name: [optional] The name that is displayed to the community, e.g., "Coach Carter" instead of "Kevin Carter"
-- email: Format must be a@bc.com
-- mobile_phone: [optional] 10 digits only. No dashes or spaces included.
-- home_phone: [optional] 10 digits only. No dashes or spaces included.
-- work_phone: [optional] 10 digits only. No dashes or spaces included.
-- preferred_language: [optional] See the list of supported languages for reference. Default is 'english'.
-- title: [optional]
Ex: school_id, id, first_name, last_name, preferred_name, email, mobile_phone, home_phone, work_phone, preferred_language, title
Students File
The students.csv file provides the necessary information to generate student accounts and relates them to the school(s) they belong to.
-- school_id: Id of the school where the student is assigned. Must match an ID in the school.csv file.
-- id or sis_id: Unique for each student. Will be referenced in the memberships.csv and contacts.csv files.
-- first_name:
-- last_name:
-- preferred_name: [optional] The name that is displayed to the community.
-- email: [optional] Format must be a@bc.com
-- mobile_phone: [optional] 10 digits only. No dashes or spaces included.
-- home_phone: [optional] 10 digits only. No dashes or spaces included.
-- preferred_language: [optional] See the list of supported languages for reference. Default is 'English'.
-- grade: [optional] infant, preschool, k, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
-- gender: [optional] (Male/Female/Other)
-- dob: [optional] MM/DD/YYYY
Ex: school_id, id, first_name, last_name, preferred_name, email, mobile_phone, home_phone, preferred_language, grade, gender, dob
Contacts File
The contacts.csv file provides the necessary information to generate specific contact (parent/guardian) accounts and relates them to students within the district.
-- school_id: Id of the school where the student is located. Must match an ID from the school.csv
-- id or sis_id: Unique for each contact. For multiple students, the ID must match across all of them.
-- child_id: The ID of a related student found in the students.csv file.
-- first_name:
-- last_name:
-- preferred_name: [optional] The name that is displayed to the community.
-- email: Format must be a@bc.com
-- mobile_phone: 10 digits only. No dashes or spaces included.
-- home_phone: 10 digits only. No dashes or spaces included.
-- work_phone: 10 digits only. No dashes or spaces included.
-- preferred_language: [optional] See the list of supported languages for reference. Default is 'English'.
-- contact_preference: [optional] (all, emergency, none). Defaults to 'all'.
-- relationship: [optional]
-- is_guardian: [optional]
-- lives_with: [optional]
-- receive_communications: [optional]
Additional Contact Notes:
One email, mobile_phone, or home_phone is required. Email and one phone number are recommended.
Ex: school_id, id, child_id, first_name, last_name, preferred_name, email, mobile_phone, home_phone, work_phone, preferred_language, contact_preference, relationship, is_guardian, lives_with, receive_communications
Memberships File
The memberships.csv file provides the necessary information to associate staff, students, and contacts to specific classes/groups that they belong to.
-- school_id: Must match an ID in the schools.csv file.
-- group_id: Must match an ID in the classes.csv file.
-- staff_id: Must match an ID in the staff.csv file.
-- student_id: Must match an ID in the students.csv file.
-- contact_id: Must match an ID in the contacts.csv file.
-- role: admin/office/teacher/faculty/staff/parent/student/member
Additional Membership Notes:
A school_id or group_id must be provided for each membership. Exception: 0 or a NULL value is commonly used for the district building id.
A staff_id, student_id, or contact_id must be provided for each individual membership.
Staff members who are school or district admins, and should have complete access to the school or district, should be assigned the admin role at the appropriate level. Example: For a district administrator, enter a '0' or NULL value for the school_id, plus their staff_id and their role (admin).
Staff members who are teachers should be assigned the teacher role at the school(s) they are assigned to.
Staff members who are NOT teachers should be made staff at the school they belong to. If they work at the district level, they should be assigned the staff role in the district.
Ex: school_id, group_id, staff_id, student_id, contact_id, role
V2 Format Bulk Import flow: Manual upload
Go to District from left navigation
Screen 1
Go to the “Manage” section in the District.
Screen 2
Go to the “Parents” or “Staff” section
Screen 3
Click on the “+Parents” or “+Staff”
Screen 4
You can find the “Advanced Bulk Import” option in the “How to invite?” screen. Click on it
Screen 5
Go to District Settings
Open to “Edit Settings” option
Go to “Bulk Import” section
Expand the “Advaned Bulk import” section
You will find the “Import by manually uploading files” option. Click on it.
You can see the “Advanced Bulk Import” screen with a list of options.
Screen 6
There you can find a list of options “School”, “Classes”, “Staff”, “Students”, “Contacts” and “Membership”.
You can download the appropriate CSV Template using the “Download Template” option.
Screen 8
Or you can use the existing District data by using the “Use Existing” option. It is used to get the data from the district.
Screen 9
You can upload the CSV files using the “Upload Spreadsheet” option.
Screen 10
Schools CSV Upload:
Data or details of the schools are added to “Schools.csv” as shown below
id or sis_id - School sis ids – user provided
name - School names
Screen 1
Upload the CSV file from the “Schools” section
Screen 2
After successful upload click on “Done” to complete the File upload
Screen 3
Reopen the “Advanced Bulk Import” option to check the upload status.
Screen 4
Success or failure status is shown below
Screen 5
After the file is processed, Schools get added to the district (If they do not exist in the District, if not it will ignore that row).
Screen 6
b. Classes File upload:-
After downloading the classes.csv file. Add the details of the classes/groups/troops and other group details,
school_id - to which school we need to add the Group/class
sis_id- class’s/group’s sis id
name - name of the Class/Group type
grade - grade of the class/group type
type - group type ..
Bloomz supports different group types. They are:
sports team
bus route
childcare room
community organization
troop - boy scouts
troop - girl scouts
summer camps
afterschool care
religious group
Sample classes CSV as shown below.
Upload the above-formatted CSV using the “Upload Spreadsheet” option in the classes section of the “Advanced Bulk Import” screen.
Screen 19
Click on “Done” to complete the file upload.
It will take back us to the “How to invite?” Screen. You can dismiss the screen by going back or revisiting “Advanced Bulk Import” screen to check the upload status.
Success or failure status is shown below
All the groups that are there in the CSV file get added to the appropriate schools. Verify them by going to those particular schools
c. Staff CSV Upload:
Data or details of the staff members are added to “staff.csv” as shown below.
school_id – schools ids to which you are willing to add staff members (mandate)
sis_id – Staff sis ids , user-defined or school provided (mandate)
first_name - the first name of the staff.
last_name - last name of the staff.
email - email address of the user (mandate if phone is not provided
phone – phone number of the user (Mandate if email is not provided)
preferred language - language of the staff (not mandatory)
Upload the above-formatted csv using the “Upload Spreadsheet” option in the staff section of the “Advanced Bulk Import” screen.
Click on “Done” to complete the file upload.
It will open “Invite Staff” screen where we can personal invitation message and send the invitation to staff members
It will take back us to the “How to invite?” Screen. You can dismiss the screen by going back or revisiting the “Advanced Bulk Import” screen to check the upload status.
Success or failure status is shown below
We can see the staff members in the respective schools as shown below.
d. Student CSV Upload:-
Data or details of the students are added to “students.csv” as shown below.
school_id – schools ids to which you are willing to add staff members (mandate)
sis_id – students sis ids , user-defined or school provided (mandate)
first_name - the first name of the staff. (Mandate)
last_name - last name of the staff. (Mandate)
email - email address of the user (not mandate)
phone – phone number of the user (Not Mandate)
preferred_language - language of the staff (not mandatory)
grade - student’s grade (not mandatory)
dob - Date of Birth of the student (not mandatory)
Upload the above-formatted csv using the “Upload Spreadsheet” option in the staff section of the “Advanced Bulk Import” screen.
Click on “Done” to complete the file upload.
It will open the “Invitation Message” screen where we can personal invitation message and send the invitation to students.
It will take back us to the “How to invite?” Screen. You can dismiss the screen by going back or revisiting the “Advanced Bulk Import” screen to check the upload status.
Success or failure status is shown below
We can see the students in the respective schools as shown below.
e. Parents/Contacts CSV
Data or details of the parents are added to “contacts.csv” as shown below.
school_id – schools ids to which you are willing to add parents (mandate)
sis_id – parents sis ids , user-defined or school provided (mandate)
child_id - child sis id, to which you are adding parent profile.
first_name - the first name of the parent.
last_name - last name of the parent.
email - email address of the user (mandate if the phone is not provided
phone – phone number of the user (Mandate if the email is not provided)
preferred_language - the language of the staff (not mandatory)
Upload the above-formatted csv using the “Upload Spreadsheet” option in the contacts section of the “Advanced Bulk Import” screen.
Click on “Done” to complete the file upload.
It will open the “Invitation Message ” screen where we can personal invitation message and send the invitation to parents.
It will take back us to the “How to invite?” Screen. You can dismiss the screen by going back or revisiting the “Advanced Bulk Import” screen to check the upload status.
Success or failure status is shown below
We can see the student in the respective parents as per the csv file we uploaded. In School > Students section
We can see parent profiles and their child profiles as per the data in csv we uploaded, In the School > Parents tab.
f. Membership CSV upload:
This Upload is very important as it defines the members and group relation and their roles.
Download the Membership CSV template
Create the CSV file as shown below. Each row is specified for each member
school_id – schools ids.
class_id – class to which we need to add the user.
group_id – group Id of any group type.
student_id - id of the student.
staff_id - id of the staff
contact_id - Id of the parent.
role - any role from the list of roles.
Upload the above-formatted csv using the “Upload Spreadsheet” option in the Membership section of the “Advanced Bulk Import” screen.
Click on “Done” to complete the file upload.
It will open “Invitation Message” screen where we can personal invitation message and send the invitation to staff members
It will take back us to the “How to invite?” Screen. You can dismiss the screen by going back or revisiting the “Advanced Bulk Import” screen to check the upload status.
Success or failure status is shown below
We can see all the members to respective groups and classes with in the specified schools as shown below.
3. Bloomz V2 format Bulk Import Using SFTP:
Advanced Bulk Import option is available for Districts only. You can upload these CSV files to your District SFTP location.
For SFTP connection details are available on the Settings page
Each district has an SFTP option
You must contact our Bloomz service team to enable it for your District/ School.
Once it is enabled from the Bloomz admin side, SFTP details will be open for schools and districts
If the “Advanced Bulk Import” option is not active for your district, please reach out to Bloomz support team.
Once, the “Advanced Bulk Import” option is active, you can access this feature.
For Advanced Bulk Import SFTP Import we have to follow the following steps
Getting SFTP Connection Details
Setting up SFTP Connection
Uploading Files to SFTP Location
Running the Import/ Scheduling the Import
a. Getting SFTP Connection Details:-
Open the Bloomz application.
Go to the District/ School where you want to set up SFTP Connection
Screen 1
Go to Settings
Screen 2
Open to “Edit Settings” option
Screen 3
Go to “Bulk Import” section
Screen 4
You can find SFTP Import/ Advanced Bulk Import options. If they are not active please contact bloomz service team.
Screen 5
After it gets active, expand the “Advanced Bulk Import” option
You can find the required information for Advanced Bulk import SFTP Setup
Screen 7
b. Setting up SFTP Connection:-
FileZilla connection
1. You need the Filezila application on your machine
2. Install it -https://filezilla-project.org/
3. Open the app
Screen 1
4. Open New Connection
Screen 2
5. Create “New Site”
Screen 3
6. You can rename the Site name.
Screen 4
7. Select the “Protocol” option to “SFTP”
Screen 5
8. Get the HostName from SFTP details provided in District > Settings > Bulk Import Section
Screen 6
Paste the “SFTP Location using key” to the “User” field in FileZilla.
Screen 7
Get the “SFTP Username” from the SFTP Import details screen.
Screen 8
Paste the Copied Host value to “User” filed
Screen 9
Get the Password/ Password using the key by downloading the Private key.
Screen 10
Select “Login type” to “Key file” in FileZilla
Screen 11
Browse the downloaded key file using the “Browse..” value
Screen 12
Screen 13
Click on the “Connect” button to establish the SFTP Connection
Screen 14
Click on “OK” to complete the setup.
Screen 15
After the successful completion of the SFTP Connection setup. You can see a list of folders in the District’s/School’s SFTP location as shown below.
1. BulkImport V1
2. BulkImport V2
3. AutoNotification
Screen 16
c. Uploading V2 Files to SFTP Location
After the successful establishment of the District’s/ School’s SFTP connection,
You have to open the “Bulkimport-v2” folder.
Screen 1
Upload the files to “BulkImport-v2” folder
Screen 2
Browse the file from your computer.
Upload files to “BulkImport-v2” SFTP location
Screen 3
d. Running the Import/ Scheduling the Import
Open the Bloomz application, District/School settings page > “Bulk Import” section
Open “Advanced Bulk Import” and click on “Import” or “Schedule the Import”
Screen 1
There is another option to schedule our import process by clicking on the “Scheduled import from SFTP” toggle button.
Screen 2
You can select “Invite from” to choose a school administrator or his equivalent role to send invitations on your behalf. and the “Notify to” option sends the import status to the list of roles in the school.
Screen 3
Click on the “Import Now” button
Screen 4
On Clicking “Import Now” a dialogue will be displayed. Turn On/OFF those options as per your requirement.
Screen 5
On click on “Save” import action start
Screen 6
The “Import Now” button will be disabled state until import is complete
You can check the Import status by clicking the “Last Import Status” option.
Screen 7
After setting up the SFTP Import, you can dismiss from this screen by clicking on “Save”
Screen 9
Screen 10
Additional Scenarios for Data Import
3. I have imported students using Clever or other sources but need to import parents using CSV and these parents should be attached to all classes. How do I do that using CSV?
4. I have imported students manually in the past but I want to bulk add SIS IDs. How can I achieve this?
5. If I just want to import only parents with no students, how do I prepare my file?
6. Can I create classes or groups using the import? How do I do that?
7. How do I update Staff data with phone numbers if my staff was already imported using Clever?