Integrating ClassLink with your School in our Bloomz Application requires a series of steps.

Log on to our Bloomz Application.

Select a School from the Left navigation menu.

Here, We have two ways to process ClassLink Bulk Import 

  1. From the school manage members tab.

  2. From the school settings page.

> From School > Select “Manage” Section 

Go to the Subsection of Manage >  “Classes/Groups” section

There you can find “ClassLink” active logo to Start ClassLink Import process

> From School Settings Page

Select School Settings icon

Select the “Edit Settings” Option

Choose the Bulk Import Section on the school settings page.

We can see “ClassLink Import” option in the list of “Bulk Import” options

Select “ClassLink Import” option to start the import process.

To start, we need to “Click to link to ClassLink” 

This will open a form, where we need to add ClassLink details “Tenet Id”, “Client id”, “Secret key” and “Server Url”. All these will be provided by ClassLink.

Fill in the details and then click “Save” this will Link ClassLink details to bloomz.

After the submission of details, we will see the list of Schools Linked with the given details. 

Now, We need to select the school we need to link to.

On selecting a School, it will open list of options as shown in the image below

You can choose within the list of options and proceed with the import process.

You can select “Invite from” to choose a school administrator or his equivalent role to send invitations on your behalf. and the “Notify to” option sends the import status to the list of roles in the school.

There is another option to schedule our import process by clicking on the “Scheduled import from ClassLink” toggle button.

Click on “Import Now”, It will pop up a dialogue where we can choose to “Full data” reset and “Archive” existing data and Select Invitation options as shown below.

Check the Import Options and select the ones appropriate for your use such as  -

  1. Full Data - When this option is enabled, if a user in Bloomz database is not present in the uploaded CSV file, they are removed from the relevant class. 
    • Note: This option should only be used during the rollover scenario or to cleanup prior imported data. This action cannot be undone.

  2. Archive - If this option is enabled, if a class existent in Bloomz is not present in the CSV file, the classes will be automatically archived; otherwise, the classes will remain active. Classes that have been archived can be revived at a later date.

    • Note: This option can only be used along with FILL DATA setting above, during the rollover scenario or to cleanup prior imported data. This action cannot be undone.

Click on “Save” to start the Import process. We can see a message saying “Sync in progress” message.

Now, you can dismiss the settings page by clicking on the Done button.