Now you can send Auto Notices automatically to your families! You have the ability to create Auto Notices with customizable and flexible forms for alerting your families of things that come up like:  Attendance, Health Check, School Fees, Transportation, Behavioral Applications, Grades, Progress, and more! By using merge fields you can input any type of customized data information, and you can set a schedule to automate these notices. Parents will receive notices by email, voice message, text or app notification, depending on their preferences.

Bloomz Auto Notices are available for the District and School Level Administrators only in Premium Accounts.  


  • Enabling Auto Notices feature
  • Creating Auto Notices template
  • Editing Auto Notices template 

Enabling Auto Notice Feature:

The Auto Notices feature needs to be enabled in the settings to make the functionality available.

  • Select the district/school in the left navigation
  • Click the Settings icon in the top menu
  • Click on the Edit Settings option in the options menu
  • In the settings page, click on the Features tab
  • Turn on the toggle for Auto Notices

Note: This option to turn on the Auto Notices feature is available only if it is enabled by the

Bloomz admin for the specific district/school.

Creating Auto Notices template:

  • Select the district/school in the left navigation 
  • Click the Settings icon in the top menu 
  • Click on the Edit Settings option in the options menu
  • In the settings page, click on the Auto Notices tab
  • List of templates already created are displayed
  • Click on the + icon and it shows the template creation wizard. 

Step1: Define – Fill the fields 

  • Create Template Title
  • Select Template Type 
  • Import Method (CSV is supported as of now)
  • Click Next

You can download the sample template with ‘Download sample template’ link and Upload the sample CSV file to indicate what fields are applicable for autonotice.

Sample CSV File for Attendance:

Required column header to represent STUDENT Id can be one of the following: Id, SIS_id, or Recipient_Id

**If filtering by school than school_id is required column header as well

CSV Uploaded then Click Next

Step 2: Configure – Define the filters  

  • Select a Property
  • Select an Operator
  • Select a Value
  • Click Next

We can create several filters based on the fields in the uploaded sample file.  These filters will enable us to restrict the processing to the rows matched by the filter criteria.

Step 3: Content  

In this step, we define the auto notice message to be delivered to the target recipients for Email/Post, Voice and SMS.  

  • Languages: You can define the specific messages for multiple applicable languages listed at the top.  We can add more languages as needed.  
  • Sample Message: You can select the sample messages from the list of sample messages provided and then customize if needed.  
  • Merge Fields: The merge fields are the dynamic fields inserted within the auto notice message during template creation and are substituted with the values from the data file at the time of processing the auto notice. These are enclosed within square brackets in the template message. Ex: [[school_name]]. These can be either standard district/school fields or input fields supplied through the sample file uploaded.
  • Email Subject and Content:  Create your Auto-Notice content with added features of font size, color, highlights, and more.
  • Click Next

Step 4: Schedule 

  • Fill the schedule for the template.  
  • Starts represents the time at which the auto notice data file is processed. 
  • Repeat represents the processing frequency. 
  • Send Alert Via helps us to restrict the auto notice delivery to specified modes (Push, Email, SMS, Robocall). 
  • Allow Responses settings helps to enable/disable the capability of receiver to respond back to the delivered notice. 
  • Source  section defines the data file name for this template and the SFTP location details for the school. Auto notices processing job looks for the file with the specified name in the SFTP location as per the execution frequency and time and will process the file if it exists.  

School has to ensure that the file is uploaded before the scheduled time for enabling the auto notice process to pick and process the file.

Step 5: Review  

  • Review all the details entered in the previous steps.
  • Click the Save button to save the template.

Editing Auto Notices template:

  1. Select the district/school in the left navigation 

  2. Click the Settings icon in the top menu 

  3. Click on the Edit Settings option in the options menu

  4. In the settings page, click on the Auto Notices tab

  5. List of templates already created will be displayed

For editing template, click on the Edit icon of the template to be edited and go through the process of editing the Auto Notice.

Auto Notice Options:

Activate/deactivate template – Template is processed only when the toggle is set to active.

Share template – Using this option, share the template with other users/groups so that those users can see this shared template and can copy and customize these to their own need.

Duplicate template – Using this, the existing template can be duplicated.  The copied template is created with the name ‘copy of  <original template name>’

Last run status – Shows the last execution time and the status

Template Instances-
 View template execution details – Click on 3 vertical dots against the template and select Template Instances option. This shows the summary view of all the execution instances of the selected template. Click on View Report icon of specific row at the right to see the deliverability details of a specific execution instance.
Delete template –
Delete an existing template using this option.

Click here for more information for Viewing Auto Notice execution stats from Admin Dashboard: Admin Dashboard Deliverability Report

Click here for more information for Managing Auto Notice Responses from Members