Students can choose how they would like to be notified of messages and posts in Bloomz. They can choose whether they would prefer to be notified by email, SMS (text message), phone call (if enabled by school admin), and/or push notifications (available on mobile devices).
- Click on profile picture.
- Click Account Settings.
- Click Notifications.
- Select which method(s) you would like to receive notifications-- Email, Text, Push (message that pops up on mobile devices if using the Bloomz app), and/or Voicecall.
NOTE: Even if there are no email, Text, voicecall, or push notifications selected by the student, the student will still see the new updates by clicking on the notification icon in the app. 
NOTE: Voicecalls will only be sent from an administrator at a school IF they select this message. Typically, robocalls are used in urgent messages and alerts.
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