If you have the list of parents emails of each class do this or have the teacher invite the parents into their class.
- Click on the name of the community in the left navigation tray
- Click Manage Icon on the top
- Click Classes/Groups tab
- Click on the name of the class
- Click Add Members
- Click Add Members
- Click Parent
- There will be two options available
Option 1: Type emails manually
Note: If you have the emails of parents, this option is highly recommended. Once you invite all the parent emails to your class. Bloomz treats the emails you entered as a Class distribution list and any communication posted on Bloomz will go as emails to all the parents even if they have not registered on the app yet.
- Click Type emails manually in the How to Invite? screen.
- Copy-paste email addresses or type email addresses manually in the To field separated by commas.
- Tap Send.
- An email with invitation code on your behalf will be sent to all email addresses entered.
Option 2: Use your Phone's email or gmail app
- Click Use your Phone's email or gmail app in the How to Invite? screen.
- Select Default Email App Or Gmail in the Send Email Using screen.
- The email compose screen opens with text in BCC, subject and body.
- Feel free to modify the text in the subject / Body.
- But Do not Delete the content in the BCC.
- In the To field of the compose screen enter the email addresses of the all parents to whom you want to send the invites.
- Tap Send.
- The composed email will be sent to the parents immediately and following that an email with invitation code will be sent to all the parents in the To field.

All the teachers and parents invited to these classes will be automatically added to the community and you do not need to add them separately.