Do you need to edit the role of a member in your class who is in Invited state, before they accept the invite? Follow these steps - 

  1. Tap on All Groups at the top left corner (on phone)
  2. The left navigation tray opens up (on phone)
  3. Click on the name of the class/community from the left nav.
  4. Click Manage
  5. Click on the name/email of the member whose role needs to be changed in the class
  6. Click Change Role at the bottom right of your screen (or click the 3 dots next to the parent you want to change the role of before click on them)
  7. Select the Role you want 
  8. Click Save
  9. You will see the "member data modified successfully" dialogue 

Note: The role of the invited member is now changed. When he/she accepts the invite, they will be joining as the new role.