You can delete a friend connection by following the steps below.

For mobile:

  1. In the left menu, press All Groups
  2. Along the bottom bar (Home, My Calendar, etc), click My Contacts
  3. Scroll down to the person whose friend request you want to cancel. Press their name.
  4. In their profile box, press the Mute/Unfriend button on the left
  5. Click the Unfriend button
  6. You have successfully unfriended a personal connection!

For desktop:

  1. In the left menu, click on All Groups
  2. Along the top bar (Home, My Calendar, etc), click My Contacts
  3. Scroll down to the person whose friend request you want to cancel. Click on their name
  4. On their profile box, click the Mute/Unfriend button on the left
  5. Click the Unfriend button
  6. You have successfully unfriended a personal connection!